Protein diet for weight loss: a menu for a week

protein diet for weight loss

Protein diet for weight loss: the menu for the week includes various foods with the highest protein content, which can lead to malfunction of some organs, hit the immune system and have a number of contraindications. Nutritionists recommend using this method to lose weight or gain muscle mass only in healthy people and not more than once a year.

A severe blow to the body requires recovery for many months, but gives serious results and is suitable for those who can not refuse fish, meat dishes. It is strictly forbidden to eat foods containing sugar in this type of diet, which can lead to significant discomfort for sweet lovers and affect brain activity. About what varieties exist, positive and negative points, menus and information are given in the text below.

The effect of protein on the human body

Protein, necessary for the normal development and functioning of the human body, in excess is harmful, as well as in deficiency. Let's try to understand this complex mechanism together and understand all the pros and cons of the predominance of protein in the diet for muscle and fat mass.

Protein is a nitrogen-containing complex organic compound that distinguishes it from carbohydrates and fats. It is a structural element of cells, and the human body is deprived of the ability to independently synthesize proteins. It follows that it can be obtained only from the outside - by eating inside with food. Schematic of this connection type:

  1. Ingestion with food.
  2. Degradation in the digestive system to amino acids.
  3. Synthesis of proteins and enzymes from breakdown products.

Thus, the lack of protein contributes to:

  • slow growth and development;
  • deficiency of digestive enzymes;
  • anemia;
  • reduction of protective abilities;
  • dystrophy;
  • decreased muscle mass.

Since the essence of the protein diet is the increased amount of protein consumed, it must be said about the effect of its excess, which leads to:

  • creating excessive stress on the kidneys;
  • increased likelihood of cardiovascular disease;
  • bone loss due to loss of calcium (excreted in the urine from the body) and osteoporosis;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • gastritis;
  • constipation and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • headache.

The risk of developing diseases increases if the recommendations are not followed: drinking too little water, lack of physical activity, non-compliance with contraindications, etc.

Protein diet: how it works

The principle is as follows:

  • increased protein intake;
  • cut carbs to a minimum.

When ingested with food, the protein compounds that the body has not processed become:

  • glucose;
  • fat

This diet acts as an express tool for losing excess fat. Protein food is digested for a long time, so there is no feeling of hunger. To reduce the load on the organs, you need to take a large amount of water inside, which increases in the hot season.

Lack of carbohydrates can lead to impaired metabolism, so this type of diet should be approached carefully and only after consultation with a specialist so as not to harm yourself.

Pros of the protein diet

the pros of a protein diet

This food system involves rapid weight loss without the desire to eat. Other positive aspects:

  • prolonged saturation;
  • diversity in diet;
  • calories for food consumed are not limited;
  • long-term safety of results, subject to exit rules;
  • effectiveness in the form of ten pounds in fourteen days.

Who is contraindicated in a protein diet

With obvious advantages, the power supply system is not without its drawbacks in the form:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • significant load on the organs;
  • loss of minerals (excreted in the urine);
  • lack of vitamins, minerals and nutrients;
  • refusal of sweets, flour products (creates discomfort for lovers);
  • requires mandatory physical activity - without it the body will be damaged.

Due to its shortcomings, the program has a number of contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • children;
  • age over sixty years (possible thrombosis);
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • gallstone disease;
  • diseases or abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncological diseases;
  • presence of neoplasms.

Eating large amounts of protein in some cases can be life-threatening, so you should first consult a nutritionist, therapists for contraindications.



  • mandatory physical activity in the form of a set of exercises;
  • you need to burn more calories per day than you consume (the difference should be equal to three hundred kilocalories);
  • take small portions, but often;
  • consumption of metabolic accelerators and natural fats (coffee, green tea);
  • calculation of the minimum amount of protein - forty grams / day - and the maximum - 140 grams / day;
  • additional use of vitamin and mineral complexes.

In the early days, weight loss occurs due to fluid loss, possibly weight gain due to muscle growth. The weight loss program is unbalanced, promotes the loss of minerals and requires the mandatory introduction of multivitamins. The measure will avoid exhaustion and its consequences in the form of brittle nails, excessive thread loss and more.

Types of protein diets

This type of food combines a number of diets developed by different nutritionists, the difference is in the duration and the rules:

types of protein diet
  • according to Ducan(there are a number of requirements in stages, calorie counting is not necessary, you should consume a reduced amount of salt and prevent thirst);
  • by Malysheva(lasts twenty-eight days, does not allow hunger, you need to eat five times, you need to count calories, you need to eat simple carbohydrates);
  • Kremlin view(suggests scoring - 1 = 1 gram of carbohydrates / 100 grams of this product - and vegetable days);
  • according to Atkins(low carbohydrate system, the use of cheese, meat, dairy products is prohibited);
  • by Maggie(three meals a day, there are two options - egg and cottage cheese, calorie counting is mandatory).

The positive and negative aspects of each type are shown in the table:

Title Suitable for Pros cons
Ducan All You don't have to count calories and limit your diet Contraindicated in diseases of the central nervous system
Малишева Those who want to improve their health and lose weight for a long time Long lasting results, simplicity, no overeating Weight loss occurs slowly, low metabolic rate, contraindicated in children, adolescents, pregnant women, heavy physical labor and the presence of chronic diseases
Kremlin Overweight people Significant weight loss while maintaining psychological comfort Decreased mental activity, unsuitable for sweet lovers, unacceptable for diseases of the kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy
Atkins All Fast and effective weight loss, improves the function of the kidneys and other organs It is forbidden to eat many basic foods
Magicians All Menu self-selection, simple rules, no age restrictions Requires an increased amount of eggs, which leads to elevated cholesterol

Ducan's diet focuses on lowering carbohydrates in the early stages. To improve the functioning of the digestive system, the diet is supplemented with bran. In the following stages, the body continues to lose weight, but carbohydrate-containing foods begin to return to the menu.

Malisheva's program assumes a long-term weight loss system, which leads to long-term results. Basic principles: taking at least two liters or ten glasses of water during the day, avoiding sugar and salt, overeating is not allowed.

The Atkins system combines the following requirements:

  • the amount of meat, fish should be equivalent to vegetables, fruits;
  • reduced carbohydrate volume;
  • foods containing protein and fat are not limited in the amount consumed.

There is also a classic version:

  • five days;
  • ten days;
  • fourteen days.

Approved products

There are two requirements for foods that can be consumed as part of a protein diet:

  • high protein content;
  • low concentration of fat component.

Only materials that meet these requirements can serve as ingredients for the daily menu. The list includes (name / example):

  • lean poultry / chicken, turkey;
  • rabbit meat;
  • veal;
  • lean beef;
  • offal / liver (contains vitamins and minerals in the chemical composition);
  • lean fish / tilapia;
  • salad;
  • parsley;
  • coriander;
  • fennel;
  • vegetables / cucumber, tomato, onion, zucchini;
  • chicken or quail egg white;
  • fruit crops and juices / apple, citrus fruits;
  • porridge of rice, buckwheat, oats (not more than one hundred and sixty grams / day);
  • bread (maximum sixty grams per day);
  • tea;
  • natural coffee;
  • still mineral water;
  • low-fat dairy products of natural origin in the classic version / milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese;
  • spices / black, red pepper;
  • sauces / soy, etc.

Maybe the use of apple cider vinegar, seafood, tofu cheese, low-fat cheese.

The nutritional value is not an indicator for determining the suitability of a component; you need to focus on the amount of carbohydrates and fat components. When calculating the amount of protein, the data from the food packages provided by the manufacturers should be used as sources of information.

Prohibited Products

The following checklist can help determine food fitness, which includes:

  • pork, fish with a high percentage of fat;
  • pasta;
  • bakery products;
  • all types of cereals other than those specified in the authorized list;
  • fruit crops (only apples and citrus are allowed) (bananas are not recommended);
  • potatoes (high percentage of starch);
  • corn;
  • carrots (contains sugar);
  • beets (contains sugar);
  • fructose;
  • sugar and sweeteners;
  • juices (except permitted);
  • products containing sugar;
  • beverages with added sugar;
  • carbonated water (mineral and other beverages);
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • any sauces containing a high percentage of fat.

Protein drinks

Every day in the diet should be at least 1, 2 and not more than 1, 6 grams of protein for the normal functioning of the body. You can also ensure the norm by drinking drinks with an increased content of this component during the day. There are three drink options:

  • protein shakes from powders;
  • homemade cocktails;
  • milk, dairy products, juices separately.

Powder protein shakes are concentrated blends with minimal or no fat and carbohydrate components. A distinctive feature is the ease of assimilation.

You can prepare a high-protein drink by mixing in a blender the simple foods you will find in the kitchen. The table shows the possible variations:

Title Components Volume, grams / quantity, pieces Kcal / gram protein
With banana

0% cottage cheese







Chicken egg white


Cottage cheese 0%





Two teaspoons


0% cottage cheese







Table spoon

198 / 19. 5
With spinach


Low fat Greek yogurt


Vanilla extract




A quarter teaspoon

196 / 22. 4
Oats and berries



Grains, frozen


Greek yogurt





Three tablespoons


One or two dice


The drinks listed in the table are high in protein, not all are suitable for diets - when choosing, you should stick to the list of forbidden foods for a particular diet.

Menu for a 7-day protein diet

menu with protein diet

When compiling the menu for the day, the manufacturer's data on the composition of the product must be taken into account, general data are given in the list(name / calories / protein / fat / carbohydrates):

  • chicken fillet / 110/23, 1/1, 2 / -;
  • fillet Ideika / 84/19, 2/0, 7 / -;
  • rabbit meat / 173/33 / 3, 5 / -;
  • beef / 250/26/15 / -;
  • tilapia / 96 / 20. 1 / 1. 7;
  • flounder / 83/16, 5/1, 8 / -;
  • hake meat / 86 / 16. 6 / 2. 2 / -;
  • fever / 78/17, 7/0, 7 / -;
  • one percent kefir / 40 / 2. 8 / 1. 0 / 4. 0;
  • one percent milk / 41/3, 3/1, 0/4, 8;
  • one percent yogurt / 40 / 3. 0 / 1. 0 / 4. 1;
  • one percent cottage cheese / 79/16, 3/1, 0/1, 3;
  • chicken liver / 136/19, 1/6, 3/0, 6;
  • veal liver / 125/20, 0/3, 1/4, 0.

Recommendations for use are given in the table:

Product / Group / Period Reception time
Breakfast No later than three hours (wake-up countdown)
Dinner At least three hours of sleep
Complex carbohydrates Small portions in the morning - no later than 14: 00
Apples (no more than two) or citrus fruits Before noon
Combining protein with starch-free vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, celery) After 14: 00

When compiling a daily diet, these rules must be followed.No more than thirty grams of vegetable fat in the form of linseed oil is allowed.

The simplest protein diet

The food in this program is taken five times in essence, following the above recommendations. The menu is shown in the table below:

Days Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner
1 Cottage cheese Fruits / Apples Wholemeal bread / chicken fillet Natural yogurt Steamed fish / vegetable salad
2 Tea orange Beef / stewed vegetables Kefir Roast fish
3 Tea / Three Chicken Proteins Apple Boiled turkey fillet with rice Cottage cheese Boiled beef / vegetable (cabbage) salad
4 oatmeal cookies, two pieces / kefir Grapefruit Boiled chicken / asparagus Kefir Boiled fish / vegetables
5 Cottage cheese with tea Apple Boiled fish / wholemeal bread Yogurt Beef / stewed vegetables
6 Tea / two squirrels Citrus Beans / vegetables Kefir Boiled fish / vegetables
7 Cottage cheese with tea Apple boiled beef / vegetable soup / bread Cottage cheese boiled beef / fresh vegetables

Ducan's Diet

Consumer results range from one to four pounds lost in seven days. An example menu is presented in the table:

Days Breakfast Lunch Snack Dinner

Protein Omelet

Lightly salted salmon


Chicken cutlets


Cottage cheese


Plate of seafood (soup, cocktail)

Cottage cheese casserole

Tea (herbal, green, black)

Beef Meatballs / Vegetable Salad Kefir + bran Vegetable stew with chicken dish

Baked cheesecakes with sour cream


Fish soup or fish soup Apple, Citrus or Kiwi Oven meat and vegetable dish

Cottage cheese


Meat brine Lightly salted salmon and vegetable sandwich Roll with meat and vegetables

Chicken fillet



Baked fish / wholemeal bread Pancake with cottage cheese and bran Chicken cutlets / vegetable salad

Boiled chicken egg

Lightly salted salmon


Bean / vegetable salad stew


Herbal tea

Steamed fish steak / cabbage salad

Fried eggs with added meat


Meat soup with vegetables

Apple, Citrus or Kiwi


Roast fish / vegetables

Red wine

Protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss

An example menu for one week within this food system is presented in the table:

Days Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner

Cottage cheese + dried fruits

Coffee + sour cream

Apple / one Cup of lentils and chicken Tea + jam Curry

Protein omelet

Herbal tea

orange / one Spinach soup Kefir Chicken bites

Cottage cheese casserole

Coffee + milk

Kiwi / two pieces Salmon in milk Yogurt Egg salad
4 oatmeal + fruit + honey Grenade / One Potato soup and sour cream Dates / handfuls Buckwheat / salad with honey and cabbage

Cottage cheese casserole + honey

Tea + jam

Banana Fish and shrimp soup Yogurt Protein and Carbohydrate Salad

Boiled proteins / two pieces

Herbal tea

Tangerines / two oriental soup (eggs and pink salmon) Yogurt Kebab (turkey + vegetables)

Rice porridge


Coffee + sugar

Banana Minestrone Baking Dumplings (potatoes and cabbage)

Protein diet for women

Recommendations are given in the table (numbers correspond to pieces and grams):

Days Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner

Cottage cheese / 200


Apples / 1

Roast chicken fillet / 100

Black bread



Vegetable salad

2 Yogurt Orange / 1 Beef + vegetables Kefir Fish + vegetables

Boiled eggs


Grapefruit / 1 Chicken fillet + brown rice Yogurt

Beef in the oven

Vegetable salad



oatmeal cookies / 3

Banana / 1 Fillet from Turkey Ряженка

Roast fish

Vegetable salad

5 Cottage cheese / 200 Apple / 1

Beef in the oven

Black bread


Roast fish

Vegetable salad

6 Omelet Grenade / 1

Roast chicken fillet

Vegetable salad

Yogurt Roast fish + vegetables
7 Cottage cheese / 200 Tangerines / 2

boiled beef

Black bread

Kefir Roast fish + broccoli

Duration of the protein diet

The classic variation takes three types of duration in days:

The maximum number of days is fourteen. Significance implies the presence of physical activity, in a passive lifestyle this type of diet can lead to impaired renal function. In order to reduce the load on the internal organs, it is necessary to consume large amounts of fluid. Exceeding the recommended duration may cause:

  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased mental alertness;
  • headache;
  • urolithiasis;
  • fragility, lack of shine of hair, nail plates;
  • increased dryness of the epidermis;
  • renal edema.

The cause of the damage in the form of the presented side effects from the long-term observance of the requirements of the protein system is an imbalance, creating a load on the body. Despite the undoubted benefits of proteins for the body, their predominance in the diet can be harmful to health. At the end of the recommended conditions, you should gradually leave this program and not repeat it throughout the year.

Recipes for protein diet for weight loss


protein for weight loss omelet

You can cook in a double boiler, microwave or multicooker.

Prepare the ingredients and add to the bowl:

  • raw chicken eggs / four pieces;
  • milk / half a glass.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Mix the ingredients with a mixer.
  2. Dive into the container of the steamer.
  3. Cook under normal conditions for twenty minutes.

baked salmon

Prepare the ingredients and add to the bowl:

  • fish steaks / one piece;
  • lemon juice / teaspoon;
  • spices / to taste;
  • hard cheese / twenty grams;
  • yogurt / two tablespoons;
  • tomato / one piece.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Wash the steak, pour juice, add spices.
  2. Marinate for twenty minutes.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into circles.
  4. Put the vegetables.
  5. Spread the steak with yoghurt.
  6. Put the cheese.
  7. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius.
  8. Bake for thirty minutes.

How to get out of the diet

Lost weight is given to the body by stress, but after the period suggested by the weight loss or maintenance program, the transition to a normal diet should be gradual. This requirement is basic and the duration of maintaining the achieved value of the scales depends on compliance. If you suddenly start using most of the banned products the next day, the actions are performed not only by returning to their original form, but also by a large set.

Basic output principles:

  • exclusion of the sugar component from beverages (tea, coffee);
  • consumption of minimal amounts of flour and sweets;
  • don't eat too fatty foods;
  • sip water on an empty stomach;
  • oatmeal or low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast;
  • lunch - low-fat soup, roasted fish or meat (not fried);
  • refrain from potatoes (contains starch);
  • small portions at least three and no more than five times a day.

Familiar dietary ingredients should be added slowly to daily menus. Exercises, relaxing procedures enhance the effect.


  1. Protein diet can lead to malfunction of the kidneys and other organs due to stress on the body. The food system is contraindicated in a number of diseases, so it is necessary to first consult a dietitian or therapist for contraindications.
  2. Eating protein foods and eliminating carbohydrates from your diet requires mandatory physical activity. Only in combination with exercise will it be possible to achieve the best results.
  3. You should not enjoy the first weight loss - it is not fat, but water that leaves the body.
  4. In some cases it is not possible to lose, but to accumulate fat in the body, deterioration of the nail structure, loss of hair strands. Also, the immune system is under pressure - the diet should be enriched with internally consumed vitamins.
  5. It is necessary to leave the diet smoothly - excessive consumption of foods high in carbohydrates will lead not only to recovery of lost weight, but also to weight gain.